by Kate Berkey | Apr 19, 2022 | Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary, Stumbling to Jesus
I am a doer and a worker who comes from a long line of doers and workers. We are pioneers and pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of people who value long days and even longer hours. My ancestors are farmers and hustlers in their own right—providing for large...
by Kate Berkey | Apr 3, 2022 | Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary, Stumbling to Jesus
Stuck in a Lie I think you and I have bought into a lie, and it’s crazy destructive. This lie says tells us we are behind, that everyone else’s life is perfect, that we need to catch up. We see perfectly curated photos and captions on social media or we hear the...
by Kate Berkey | Dec 31, 2021 | Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary, Stories and Other Things From Chicago
To the parents in my neighborhood,I’ve never seen a love quite like yours. I’ve never seen so many moms and dads, grown men and women, give up so much for the sake of their kids. To be fair, some of you came from very humble, war-torn places, so maybe it doesn’t seem...
by Kate Berkey | Oct 15, 2021 | Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary, Stories and Other Things From Chicago
Most of the time, I am a fish out of water in this neighborhood. I am the minority in a city and country where I am the majority. I speak one language in a place where most of my neighbors have at least two or three or six on their list. Often, I step into people’s...
by Kate Berkey | Jun 8, 2021 | Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary
A few weeks ago, I went on a retreat. It’s something I’ve done the last few years—a necessity I’ve found. It’s different from a vacation. There are rarely places to go or sites to see or a strong Wi-Fi signal. These retreats are a time to pause, to pray, to be in the...
by Kate Berkey | Apr 21, 2021 | Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary, Stumbling to Jesus
In 2015, I left Taylor University armed with a diploma and a desire to change the world. In early spring of that year, the European migrant crisis shook the seas. Thousands of people crowded into boats not built to hold the volume of their needs. Many vessels would...